IM chabo_ftw Lichess coach picture

IM Novak Cabarkapa

With dedication and persistence, improvement is inevitable!

Location Serbia
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 246428242719
Hourly rateLessons - 55$/h (10h-500$); Training games - 33$/h (10h-300$)
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

My name is Novak Čabarkapa and I am 28 years old. I am a 2464 rated IM from Serbia with all three GM norms (just need to get to 2500 FIDE to get GM, my peak FIDE was 2484). If you are interested in working with me contact me here in inbox or at my e-mail ( I am available for both lessons and training games!

Playing experience

One of my favourite tournament victories:
2018 - Memorial blitz tournament 'Moma Vucicevic' (
I'm an active player!
Here are some recent good results I had:
2021 - Champion of Serbian Semifinals 7/9 (TPR 2612) (
2022 - Winner of a RR GM norm tournament 7/9 (TPR 2614) (
2022 - Croatian league 7.5/9 (TPR 2607) (
2024 - Budapest Spring Open 6.5/9 (TPR 2605) (

Teaching experience

I have experience in working with players of different age and strength (a lot of lessons with younger players).
Currently I have students that range from beginner level up to FIDE 2300 level.

I also worked with even higher rated players. Those lessons were mostly pointed towards some short-term goal (direct opening preparation for a game, or repertoire work for an upcoming tournament).

Other experiences

Did a lot of training matches in last couple of years.
There are different reasons to play training games:
-you practiced an opening and need a sparring partner to test it on a higher level;
-you think that you can improve by playing stronger players and then analysing your games;
-you are working a lot on chess but also want to play some longer games to stay in shape for an upcoming tournament etc.
I am open for all kinds of time controls, and if you are interested contact me!
I charge this service 33$ per hour, and you can organize the time how you want. For example if you want a two hour session, we can play for one hour and analyse the games for the next hour. We can also just play for two hours for example, you choose!

Best skills

With some students I focus directly on openings, with some of them big percentage of the work is of tactical/strategic nature. It all depends from the student, and what he is interested in. I will just write some details about the opening work in this section.
I can teach a lot of openings, but mostly I enjoy teaching stuff I play in OTB games, because that is where I put in the most work, and can transfer the knowledge on a higher level.

Here is my repertoire:
White :
Almost every first move with the main focus on 1.e4 (have really a lot of experience in Jobava London)
Black :
vs 1.e4 - 1... e5 (Ruy Lopez), Kalashnikov Sicilian and many others , French, Scandinavian
vs 1.d4;1.Nf3;1.c4 - King's Indian as my main weapon, but played a ton of different openings

Of course I am flexible with these openings, and I can prepare a certain opening which the student is interested in (a ton of my students play Caro-Kann and Slav for example). I played a lot of different systems before, and I prepared a lot of them for my students, so I have experience in many different positions.

Teaching methodology

My approach to teaching chess is to get to know my students as well as possible, which then allows me to find out what is it that they truly need to work on. My goal is never instant success, but long-term improvement in chess understanding.

Lessons are conducted via Skype or some other platform similar to Skype (Discord, Zoom etc.). For one type of lessons I usually use the Share Screen tool, and for other types I use the Study tool on this website.

When I'm playing a tournament I usually don't give lessons, but I can still help a student who needs preparation for his game, or has troubles with something.


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