
How to Make 2300 In Bullet In One Day. Hacking The Strategy

It is the Grob opening. I invite you all to join my club dedicated to this underestimated one - the link is in my profile.
@RubiksCuber23 said in #13:
> this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard
It's not so dumb: in grob opening there are many traps that even high level players would fall, if they play bullet. Of course, it easy to learn how to play against them, but grob is so uncommon that nobody would do this.

@FriedVox said in #9:
> It is not counted. It's not the exact and full secret. Almost there, but still, you haven't heard of my secret weapon, which is actually unbeatable.

I said about it, it was in your quote:
>Thank you. I don't think that I will be able to play any major opening since it is still too difficult for me - hence the fact that currently, I use the Grob only. I think I need to dig deeper into opening principles to show the best I can with that major stuff.
Well, lichess wrote all his strategies on his profile with a red marker.
FriedVox: I have 2300 rating thanks to hacking
Lichess: This account violated the Lichess Terms of Service
<Comment deleted by user>
Apparently your secret isn't so secret after all
@FriedVox said in #1:
> Are you ready? It's legal, and, it works.
"this account violated the lichess terms of service" yup definitely legal
@Achyut_2013 said in #19:
> "this account violated the lichess terms of service" yup definitely legal
If you read all of this, you would know its legal. The grob opening is not against the ToS

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