
Which opening would you recommend me to use in blitz?

I'm not good at blitz since it seems to be too fast for me, so, I would like to try a new opening system instead of the Grob, which is my favorite one. Can you help me to find the best solution for fast chess?
How about the London System
It's easy to learn and you play pretty much the same things every time .
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if blitz seems to fast for you, then how are you so good in bullet?
You can take any major openings you like. Depends on how do you play: tactical, positional or strategical.

But first i would go for the opening principles. If you understand them, you will understand any major opening.
@JuStThEtImE said in #4:
> if blitz seems to fast for you, then how are you so good in bullet?

yep. pretty strange.

bullet 2300
blitz 1230

and you find blitz too fast? Do you have an explanation @FriedVox ? lol
@JuStThEtImE said in #4:
> if blitz seems to fast for you, then how are you so good in bullet?
In bullet, you just move pieces almost randomly, you are not forced to think like in blitz games. It's actually not that difficult to play.

I just make 5 fast random bullet moves (except opening), and then think on one wise move, and the sequence repeats itself. You cannot do it in blitz.
@magicsacrifblunder said in #5:
> You can take any major openings you like. Depends on how do you play: tactical, positional or strategical.
> But first i would go for the opening principles. If you understand them, you will understand any major opening.
Thank you. I don't think that I will be able to play any major opening since it is still too difficult for me - hence the fact that currently, I use the Grob only. I think I need to dig deeper into opening principles to show the best I can with that major stuff.

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