
How to Make 2300 In Bullet In One Day. Hacking The Strategy

Today, I accidentally revealed my secret strategy of how to make a 2300 rating in bullet in one or two days of play, in spite of the fact that I am just a beginner and my blitz rating is just 1100. Get out your notebooks and write down the secret.

Are you ready? It's legal, and, it works.
@FriedVox said in #1:
> Today, I accidentally revealed my secret strategy of how to make a 2300 rating in bullet in one or two days of play, in spite of the fact that I am just a beginner and my blitz rating is just 1100. Get out your notebooks and write down the secret.
> Are you ready?
Yes. So how to do ?
@BFG5k said in #2:
> How did you do this?
It was very easy for me, although before that I was really poor at bullet. I'll tell you folks about it here, with some examples of my games.

Stay tuned.
@FriedVox said in #4:
> It was very easy for me, although before that I was really poor at bullet. I'll tell you folks about it here, with some examples of my games.
> Stay tuned.
Ok, when will you say this?
@BFG5k said in #5:
> Ok, when will you say this?
Today of course, I just need to know that the folks will be interested in my method.
@FriedVox said in #4:
> It was very easy for me, although before that I was really poor at bullet. I'll tell you folks about it here, with some examples of my games.
> Stay tuned.
Please tell the secret fast
I've had enough of it. If you won't reveal your secret, then I'm going to do this for you:
You said you "accidentally" did this today? Here are some quotes from your posts that seem to be this secret:
@aeglos45 said in #7:
> Yeah @FriedVox, why is your blitz 1000 points lower than your bullet. Are you a hacker? jk

@FriedVox said in #8:
> In bullet, you just move pieces almost randomly, you are not forced to think like in blitz games. It's actually not that difficult to play.
> I just make 5 fast random bullet moves (except opening), and then think on one wise move, and the sequence repeats itself. You cannot do it in blitz.

@FriedVox said in #9:
> Thank you. I don't think that I will be able to play any major opening since it is still too difficult for me - hence the fact that currently, I use the Grob only. I think I need to dig deeper into opening principles to show the best I can with that major stuff.
It is not counted. It's not the exact and full secret. Almost there, but still, you haven't heard of my secret weapon, which is actually unbeatable.
@FriedVox said in #9:
> It is not counted. It's not the exact and full secret. Almost there, but still, you haven't heard of my secret weapon, which is actually unbeatable.
So tell now

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