
Battle of the Kings

Hey, guys!
or more detailed here:

Despite the fact that I am far from young, recently I have managed to realize several of my chess variants. I won't be modest and say that this is perhaps the best of all.

You can play against a bot using the link (no registration required):

The bot, of course, plays very weakly, which is not surprising: Battle of the Kings is the only chess variant with complete information in which AI is absolutely powerless.

Please do not consider this as advertising or solicitation of anything. Unfortunately, time is running out and I just want to share something really interesting with you.
I can imagine this variation would become quite wild once the board starts filling up with Queens
I almost feel like you're incentivized to move in tiny steps, and capture as much as possible, as each capture removes one of your opponent's pieces, while adding one of your own. I can also imagine some sort of zugzwang position where neither side wants to move, as they would lose too much material; similar to what you said with the "pinned" queen that cannot move
It reminds me of Kyoto Shogi in a way, did you draw inspiration from that?
@MrLizardWizard said in #4:

> It reminds me of Kyoto Shogi in a way, did you draw inspiration from that?

No, my friend, Shogi had no influence on this chess variant. It’s even difficult for me to say what served as the inspiration for the creation of Battle of the Kings. This chess variant evolved from my E-Chess, which was not entirely successful due to the strong advantage of White. I wrote about it on chess dot com:
@ErzyaKS Just tried it is interesting...just a thought: what if you take as strategy to never or barely move your queen?
@CanadaQuebec said in #6:
> @ErzyaKS Just tried it is interesting...just a thought: what if you take as strategy to never or barely move your queen?

This is what happens for most of the game. Queens serve as a kind of stockade, which prevents the maneuver not only of enemy pieces, but also of friendly ones. A stalemate in this variant of chess is a loss by a player who cannot make a move according to the rules. There are no draws in the game.

Here is a link to a game played between two players which gives a better idea of the game as human vs bot is very different from human vs human.
@ErzyaKS watched it, some comments:

Make the black pieces black.

Sounds are weird.

There are probably reasons why it is the way it is rn but just thought I should mention it.
Test games have begun on
If you have the time and desire to take part in this event, then I will be grateful to everyone who decides to take a step into the unknown.
Thank you, guys!

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