
Canceling draw offers should not be a feature.

@airfloo said in #10:
> It's not recent, and I still dot't get the point behind removing it.
It is fairly recent, a month at best, more likely about 1.5 weeks ago. The point of removing it I will explain using 2 imaginary people, Bob and Ben.

Bob and Ben are playing a 10-0 rapid game on lichess.

Bob- the position looks drawn, let me offer a draw.
Ben- Bob just offered a draw, let me consider it for a few minutes.
A few minutes pass, and Bob realizes that he has a major time advantage now and cancels the draw. This time advantage will prove decisive, even if the position was a draw, or even worse, Ben was better. This sort of trick cannot be pulled OTB, as withdrawing a draw offer is not possible, and should not be possible online either. Ben should always have the option to draw until he declines it, either explicitly or by moving.
If there has indeed been a feature added to cancel a draw offer, I can only see that as a bad mistake by the developers.

The example which Akarsh_2010 gives in #11 is a concrete one where it can be misused to win. And more generally, the opponent is using their time to consider the opponent's move in conjunction with a draw offer. This is a different situation than the same move without a draw offer. If the draw offer is suddenly withdrawn, the opponent has had time counted against them while considering a situation which suddenly changes. It's one step below, and nearly as bad as, allowing a player to take back a move without crediting the opponent with the time spent considering the original move.

And of course it is against the rules of chess.

What is the official justification for this new feature of being allowed to cancel a draw offer?
@Wither77 said in #3:
> WDYM do you want the feature or not?

Why am I getting downvotes? I just was confused because he contradicted his previous post
The title, post #1 and post #2 are all consistent. There is a little devil's advocacy present in #1 para. 2, but he's not taking that position.
I agree that this “feature” should be removed. Frankly I am astonished that anyone ever thought it was a good idea. The rule in OTB chess that you cannot withdraw a draw offer is there for a good reason (explained in earlier posts) and that reason is equally applicable to playing online.
@Wither77 said in #14:
> Why am I getting downvotes? I just was confused because he contradicted his previous post

He didn't contradict the previous post. Maybe you didn't read it carefully. He clearly indicates several times that he does not want it to be possible to cancel draw offers. Or maybe you misunderstood his second post and thought the "feature" he was referring to was not being able to cancel draw offers, when in fact, the "feature" he was referring to was being able to cancel draw offers.

Also, why are you so terrified of downvotes? You even deleted your post so it couldn't get more downvoted. It's really not a big deal--please feel free to downvote this post.
I was just confused why I was getting downvoted. Also thanks for clearing the matter
Maybe I'm not understanding the use case, but I thought "Cancel Draw Offer' was removed almost 10 years ago for all the reasons given.
@AsDaGo said in #4:
> @Akarsh_2010
> I agree with this, except that I don't think the confirmation of a draw offer needs to be changed. A separate dialogue would be very annoying, and I don't think I've ever accidentally offered a draw. Even in the exceedingly rare case where you might accidentally offer a draw, it's a small price to pay for not having an annoying dialogue.
> As for the stalling, I think what you're saying is that if you offer a draw and your opponent runs out of time while your offer is in effect, the game is a draw. I didn't know this was the case, but it seems to make sense to me. I don't see a problem with it (it's just as though they accepted the draw right before they timed out). Is this true for FIDE as well (if your flag falls after your opponent offers a draw, the game is drawn)?

I agree with this. If you are offering a draw it means you are likely down in your opinion. Never had this be a concrete issue.

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