
Analyse my game

I think pushing your king pawns necessarily might have been your downfall... gave up all that nice king safety.
Hello @gregmoore :)

Quick analysis:

21. Re1: Piece blunder
22. Be3: Drops a important pawn for nothing. Perhaps Be2, or Bb2? If Qxh3?, then BxN, NxB and Re3! And you get a extra piece.
25. fxe3 is just bad, better is Qxe3! Since the Knight has to move, and when it does, you can play Bxa8. Also fxe3 forced you to give up your important defender the bishop, and your opponent's Queen found a nice square. (e2)
32. Qxa6: I think that Qh2 was needed. However, the game was pretty much over at this point anyway...


You dropped too many pawns. And when they are too close to your king, well it's not a great situation as shown in the game.

@ColostomyBag Has a point, but losing the pawns, and other bad moves I think was the real downfall. Quite likely I could win the position after 16. g4 as white against decent opposition. Still, you gotta be careful.

Hope I can help,
Sean B
Bb5+ was really strange. Blacks play in the Benoni comes from a6 b5 plans so you should not be helping black with that idea.
In the Benoni when black plays a6 you play a4. Its very standard.

Other than that don't give your opponent pieces.
Bb5+ is a pretty common idea in the Benoni, the idea is trying to disrupt blacks piece development. You usually follow up with a2-a4, letting black play ...a6 + ...b5 is kinda risky. But the way you played wasn't too bad either.
Your biggest mistake was definitely 17.Nh4??, after 17.Nd4 Black would've been completely paralyzed, you're basically a piece up because the bishop on g6 isn't playing. 17...Nxe4 was a strong tactic, after this move it's over for white.
I'm not sure about 16.g4, it's kinda risky. Black has to sacrifice the knight with 16...Nxg4 because otherwise he's completely lost, but then it looks like he has some very good compensation, e.g. 16...Nxg4 17.hxg4 Bxg4 18.Kg2 f5! seems scary.
in the benoni, it is kinda crucial to play h3 early on.. really important to prevent Bg4 pin the knight on f3 against the queen..

if you play h3 after Bg4, black will likely to trade the bishop for the knight because the bishop is bad piece..

here is a game I extract from IM Fins (John Bartholomew) play bullet against benoni in ICC.. he give really instructive detail explanation although it is bullet game

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