
Annoying people

Is there a way to stop certain message trolls from commenting on posts?
Moderators will do that when the circumstances require it.

But for particularly grievous postings, ones which fall especially foul of guidelines, you can click on the <!> which you see when you hover the cursor on or near the poster's name at the top of the posting. I'd only bother with this, though, if it's a posting which is so terrible that it can't wait for a mod to notice it. Usually the best thing to do is ignore the trolls.
@MrPushwood said in #3:
> That's what I do!

@MrPushwood jokes around all the time but he isn't annoying. he is a scholastic chess sponsor and academic instructor - a very admirable post in today's society. Does a lot for his community :)
@sausage4mash said in #5:
> what kind of trolling are you referring too ?
Pushwood is a prime example, silly sod thinks he's funny, but there you go
@EggyFlatulence said in #6:
> Pushwood is a prime example, silly sod thinks he's funny, but there you go

ok that demonstrates *you* are a troll
<Comment deleted by user>

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