
Opening Traps

5 • srisaianirudh •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fishing pole trap part 1
  3. Fishing pole trap part 2
  4. Legal's mate
  1. srisaianirudh

CRUSH Black with the Scotch Gambit!

464 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Two Knights - 5...Ne4!?
  3. Two Knights - 5...Ng4!?
  4. Two Knights - 6...Nd7!?
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Bosburp

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black 2.0

426 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

1.e4 e5 Repertoire for Black

800 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ruy Lopez - Exchange with 5.O-O
  3. Ruy Lopez - Exchange 5th move sidelines
  4. Ruy Lopez - 5.d3
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

Opening Trap against 1.d4

1 • PersonMan •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Trap
  1. PersonMan


144 • BeresOliverHU •
  1. Ruy Lopez
  2. Van 't Kruijs Opening
  3. Italian Game
  4. King's Gambit
  1. BeresOliverHU

the ponziani opening

2 • che552learn •
  1. the main moves
  2. a variation
  1. che552learn

Traps for beginners

124 • AbhiramSingamsetti •
  1. Fried liver trap
  2. How to defend the fried liver attack Method 1
  3. How to defend the fried liver attack Method 2
  4. Knight sacrifice discover attack
  1. AbhiramSingamsetti

Rajesh .V. my study Opening Traps

1 • CHESSRAJ12 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fishing pole trap part 1
  3. Fishing pole trap part 2
  4. Englund trap

10 Traps in the Queen's Gambit

1201 • Bosburp •
  1. Trap 1: QGA Trap #1
  2. Trap 2: QGA Trap #2
  3. Trap 3: QGA get a nice position
  4. Trap 4: QGA oh no my queen!
  1. Bosburp

e4, unwanted responses.

1 • CasualBrainOwner •
  1. Introduction
  3. Alapin Variation 2... Nf6
  4. Alapin Variaton 2... d5
  1. CasualBrainOwner

1. d4 c5! - The Old Benoni Gambit

10 • tejas-kunduru •
  1. Introduction
  2. Attacking the e5 pawn.
  3. Defending the c5 pawn
  4. Ignoring the threat
  1. tejas-kunduru

100% winning in less than 5 moves Part 1

719 • Yonushke •
  1. The Damiano Defence
  2. Black's best reply
  3. another way to win like this
  4. Scotch Gambit Trap 1
  1. Sachit_Raj
  2. Yonushke
  3. BentCrazyCinnamon
  4. ItsFunTime

Ouverture Bird : Guide Complet [FR]

89 • Aurghnost •
  1. Bird Leningrad : Theorie
  2. Un e4 hyper-accéléré : Cbd2
  3. Détails sur la ligne d5-e6
  4. Est-Indienne Inversé : Variante de Cbd2
  1. Aurghnost

Bird's Opening : Complete Guide [EN]

374 • Aurghnost •
  1. Leningrad Bird : Theory
  2. A hyper-accelerated e4: Nbd2
  3. Details on d5-e6 variation
  4. Reversed East-Indian : Variation of Nbd2
  1. Aurghnost

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

12 • lexamuray2022 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. lexamuray2022