Beat the London. 2. Bf4, Fear it no more!

Please, Keep Playing the London System

3 Annotated Games


Ah, the good old London System. Almost every chess player has heard of this now infamous opening. I even managed to make a very popular study on it. 1. d4, 2. Bf4, 3. e3, and victory right? Well, maybe not. Many chess players claim that the London "hurts your improvement" and that London players should learn to "play real openings." I am not one of these players. Why? Because the London is so fun to demolish! Here are 3 games of mine that show why I love to play against the London.

Game #1

A blitz game. My first London crush in blitz! Being a 5-minute game, I made some poor decisions, but in the end the London System was destroyed.

Game #2

Being a daily game, this one was much more accurate. The end features a slow buildup to a crushing attack.

Game #3

Another blitz game. White plays a weird sideline and I miss the best reply, but I recover and escape with a strong advantage.


Do you still want to play the London? Or do you look forward to facing it now? I'm definitely in the second category. If you face the London, remember:

1. Play for the ... e5 break
2. White tends to overestimate their attacking chances.
3. Play logically.
4. Take on g3 at an opportune moment.

And if you want to keep playing the London? Keep these plans in mind. And also -- keep in mind that the readers of this blog will be looking forward to facing you.

"2. Bf4?
Fear it no more!"

I'll see you next time!