
Hi I started playing chess for just under a year ago.

I have mostly played IRL, but when i started lichess i saw i was around 1300 elo, but now i feel i have done a leap as i more or less win 80% of games against 1600 and 50/50 against 1700/1800.

Are there any tips on how to countinue improving?
If you were winning 50/50 against 1700, your rating would be 1700. Do you see how that works?
i ment in the last few days, your rating only goes up with like 10-20 rating
you beat 1600, 1700...1800 player?
but....i see your profile and you lost almost all the game against this players.

if you beat for 80% 1600 players and 50% 1800 players, you MUST HAVE a ~1700 elo.
but your elo is low, ~1400 ...

look at me, I beat 70-80% 1500 players, 50% 1600 players.... and i'm elo is ~1600.
Forget about these imaginary numbers on the internet. Playing otb chess is a different experience from this and it's far more interesting. If you want to improve: Join the chessclub, do tactics, play otb games and analyze them. Also it would be good if you got yourself some chessbooks about basic positional concepts. I wouldn't suggest, though, that you read them right away. Give yourself a little time until you are better at spotting simple tactics.

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