
What happened here?

I was just getting into Lichess and instead of having the Real Time games as my home screen, It was showing my ratings but nothing else. I couldn't play any games, use the forum, or do anything but check my ratings. Does anyone know what happened?

(I fixed it because I'm posting this now. I had to open and close Lichess.)
I think that's the right thing to do. Could have been some hiccup in a browser or your operating system. Who knows?
Maybe it was the old full-page menu? It has ratings but there is also links to everything...

It can be opened by clicking on the "hamburger" icon top right. It's still also activated by pressing Escape; which was sort of needed back then because there was no top-menu for a while ;)
Looks like you got into the menu without realizing. You can go there / leave it by clicking the menu symbol in the upper right corner or simply by pressing esc. ;)

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