
crossed 2300 + FM scalp

2300 in Lichess is about +/-1900 ELO FIDE.

It's great for you, a very good game, congrats, but please, which really matters in chess aren't fake points (I mean, points gained on online chess servers).

Do you want to check your real ELO out? Play OTB.
OP, speaking of OTB, I see the RA chess club is still active. Fantastic! I played a few weekend tournaments there in the 1980's.
@FryderykFranciszek said in #3:
> 2300 in Lichess is about +/-1900 ELO FIDE.
> It's great for you, a very good game, congrats, but please, which really matters in chess aren't fake points (I mean, points gained on online chess servers).
> Do you want to check your real ELO out? Play OTB.

I would argue that 2300 Lichess blitz is closer to 2100
@GentjanLici said in #2:
> Strong moves played so easily from you. I think you might be better than 2300.

I got plenty of bad games too my friend I just don't post them on the forums lol.
for now this is definitely the peak of my ability had to play for weeks on end trying my hardest just to touch 2300
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@ST4RSCR34M said in #5:
> I would argue that 2300 Lichess blitz is closer to 2100

Real Players ELO Lichess / FIDE:

GM alireza2003: 3182 / 2778
GM Night-King96 (Oleksandr Bortnyk): 3167 / 2605
GM RebeccaHarris (Daniel Naroditsky): 3151 / 2617

And so on, and so forth ... In the case of Magnus there's even more distance (+/- 3300 / 2861)

Be that as it may, it doesn't matter, there's no way to be 100% sure. In OTB games you're playing face to face vs other players, there's noise, there're lots of people around you, not always easy ... different atmosphere, different feelings...

But, never mind.

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