
A new beserking system - n% beserk

let's add this feature where you can beserk n%.

It works by powers of 2:
Lets assume normal time is 1+0 in a tournament.
If you 1% beserk, your time gets divided by 2^0.01, so you get 59.6 s.
If you 50% beserk, your time gets divided by 2^0.5, so you get 42.4 s.
If you 100% beserk, you get normal 30 s.
If you 150% beserk, similarly, you get 21.2 s.
At 200% beserk, you get 15 s
At 350% beserk, you get 5.3 s
At 500% beserk, you get 1.9 s
At 600% beserk, you get 0.94 s
Beyond this point, times are impractical.
At 750% beserk, you get 0.33 s
At 1000% beserk, you get 0.059 s
At 1500%, you get 0.0018 s
At 2000%, you get 0.000057 s
At 3000%, you get 0.000000056s
At 5000%, you get 5.33*10^-14 s
At 10000%, you get 4.73*10^-29 s
And so on...
You can enter your beserk percentage and time and point calculations will be shown. You can confirm or reject.

The points work this way:
Every percent beserk adds 0.01 points to your game.

Similarly, you can also do negative percent beserk:
It works by powers of 2:
Lets assume normal time is 1+0 in a tournament.
If you -1% beserk, your time gets divided by 2^0.01, so you get 60.4 s.
If you -50% beserk, your time gets divided by 2^0.5, so you get 84.9 s (5.1 s short of 1 1/2 mins)
If you -100% beserk, you get 120 s (2 mins)
If you -150% beserk, 169.7 s (10.3 s short of 3 mins)
At -200% beserk, you get 240 s (4 mins)
At -350% beserk, you get 679 s (at bit more than 11 mins)
At -500% beserk, you get 1920s (32 mins)
At -600% beserk, you get 3840 s (64 mins)
We are already past 1 hour.
At -750% beserk, you get 10861 s (just over 3 hours)
It's impractical beyond this point
At -1000% beserk, you get 61440 s (just over 17 hours)
At -1500%, you get 1966080 s (22.76 days)
At -2000%, you get 62914560 s (almost 2 years)
At -3000%, you get 62424509440s (nearly 2 milennia)
At -5000%, you get 6.75*10^16 s (just over 2 billion years)
At -10000%, you get 7.61*10^31 s (just about 2 1/2 septillion years)

Negative beserk works the same way as positive beserk, with 0.01 points removed per percent negative beserk, making anything below -99% useless, but who said that trolls don't exist?

What do you all think of this?

I have heard pretty positive feedback so far...

A game is supposed to take a certain amount of time per person based on the timing and increment. If the game takes 10 times more time than that certain amount of time for a person, you can report them for trolling.
<Comment deleted by user>
But it should be like 300% berserk gives 2^3 = 8 points and -900% give 2^-9 = some number of points.
Also, each person has two values, a real score and an imaginary score. You can switch which score you receive before any game. You must attempt to travel AS FAR AS YOU CAN in the DIAGONAL direction. The player with the most absolute value * change in reals * change in imaginary is the winner.

e.g. DrNykterstein score: 330 + 444i
Final score: Root 774 * 330 * 444
= 146520 Root 444

Mate_on_f7 score: 5660 + 0i
Final score: = 5660 * 5660 * 0
= 0
And tomorrow's edition of Lichess for Math Nerds will be hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Next, Lockdown Chic, in which Monica Lewinsky explores lockdown fashion from pyjamas to Robinson Crusoe beards.
3 easy steps to win against the number 1 in tournament:
1) Choose 2 billion years as time
2) Opponent resigns
3) Repeat process
Sounds like a fantastic idea!

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