
Lost Game on Timeout

My understanding was that the rules were that if you flag, you lose the game only if there is a series of legal moves that theoretically lead to you getting mated. Not merely mating material exists on the board.

This game was marked as a loss, but there is no series of legal moves where Black or White can be mated.

Is this a bug or intentional?

I found listed rule on fat -
quoting from the faq:

> In rare cases this can be difficult to decide automatically (forced lines, fortresses). By default we always side with the player who did not run out of time.

afaik there is still work being done on – but there's still no way to tell if it is ever going to end up on lichess.

edit: your game is going to end up in this list:
though considering that the list contains about 130k games – this is only about 0.003% of all games played on lichess – you might understand that unwinability detection is not a high priority for the devs.

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