
Women Vs. Men

How is it that women are viewed different natural insticnts than men when me are made of the same Chess 960 position?........Can Genetics change it mutations, or does we need Artificial Intellingence, to solve the whole lot? :P =D feel free to discuss.
“The quality you most admire in a man? Courage moral and physical: 'anima'—the ability to think like a woman. Also a sense of the absurd.

The quality you most admire in a woman? Courage moral and physical: “anima”—the ability to visualize the mind and need of a man. Also a sense of the absurd.” - Christopher Hitchens
Troglodyte kidneys measure sardonic spasms not unlike the movements of an albatross buried in creosote.
nice ;) i appreciate ur comments, long live the king of chess.....fischer random....I can see sanity and and vice versa everywhere, why are the sane individuals ruling the world right until they go insane......and it never gets noticed......every president after 1 and a half years goes with megalomaniatism.........Obama is the first man to admit it in several interviews..... <3
The trouble with women and that a woman would be more concerned about how well she looks making a move...rather than how well a move she makes. :]
hhahah, typical, i heard that joke a million times before ;)
as an imaginary world of beauty and revenge tactics of the greatest chess player and NOT fide member; he said in exaggeration: Women in chess is like a woman that has fought and strived and made fun of all men in crucial positions but never said a word about his husbands complacencies. The best in all women are made of these few but true words; Courage, Make-up, The ability to listen and actual problem-solving, and how to be true to herself and her sourroundings, and the audacity to change mens convictions world in a meangless world,

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