
bug report #2 in 1 week

in this game I was waiting for my opponent he had 9 minutes on the clock, his time started to run out, got to zero, and all of a sudden it was ME who lost. after I'd lost I saw in the game that my opponent had made a move but it didn't show while I was waiting; it was his turn and his time on the clock. REALLY ANNOYING lichess! Fix that bug, it's the second time this is happening to me.
Something like that happened to me but in my case I found out that it was me who was offline.
Next time this bug happens, try to check if your internet connection is gone.
@Sputnik_Monroe said in #2:
> Something like that happened to me but in my case I found out that it was me who was offline.
> Next time this bug happens, try to check if your internet connection is gone.
Yeah it was me who was "offline" but I had other websites running - like youtube...
> but I had other websites running - like youtube...

having connection to one server on the internet does not mean you will necessarily have connection to a specific other one as well.
but it's a good indication that my internet connection is not poor, so why didn't lichess show that my opponent had made a move and it was my time running out?@glbert said in #4:
> having connection to one server on the internet does not mean you will necessarily have connection to a specific other one as well.
> but it's a good indication that my internet connection is not poor

that's not how it works. you can have a good connection to youtube, but a bad connection to lichess, and vice versa. that is completely possible. same for any 2 other sites that use different servers.
Network and connection between servers and clients is not just so simple like connected, disconnected or "lagged" out.
There are such thing like keep-alive between server and client and Lichess uses also that feature. (read more here if you wish -

If server is restarting, it closes its sockets and so it keep-alive is broken - you are disconnected - from server, not from internet per se.

After restart client and server must establish- renew socket connection again. This is not happening herein Lichess with restarts sometimes automatically and connection must be refreshed by reconnecting to server again manually by client if last happens. (refresh page with F5 for example or press reconnect if in your interface visible) After servers socket is up again and connection is restored - game proceeds.
Often that means, that one side misses game by running time out. Avoid starting new game if server is starting in less than minute or so, (press pause if on tournament), then if possible, let server restart and proceed after that with games or tournaments - less hassle.

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