
Get joker for a takeback if you accept a takeback

Could have some additional take back rules/or settings:
Touch move - only the moved piece can be moved after the take back, prevents blundering a piece and making an entirely different move instead
Casual - all take backs honored
Approved - Opponent gets to approve the proposed new move, or the original one sticks
Resign - Opponent is granted a victory regardless of the outcome when a take back is requested; accommodates playing out an interesting game, but acknowledging the loss
Obvious - Only an obvious follow on move is allowed; same piece must be moved in the same direction, possibly only one square difference
Personally, I am not as concerned about my ELO as others may be. I prefer friendlier games.
There are only two situations where I disallow take backs: pre-moves and excessive requests. I am willing to believe one or possibly two mouse slips during any given game, but start to get suspicious if it gets excessive. Also, depends how chatty someone is, if there is a friendly rapport, I tend to be more predisposed towards allowing a take back.
I don't get the hesitation to allow a correction for a mouseslip move. Even in a rated game. Yeah, it's grown up chess and your move is your move but this is online and mouseslips actually happen. Who wants to profit off an opponent's mouseslip? Wouldn't you rather win or lose for real? I just discovered if a player comes into a room having disabled them for themselves, they are automatically disabled for the table--even if they aren't the player who created it. That's nuts.
#12 In OTB chess however, there is such thing as a touch-move rule where if you accidently touch a piece, then you have to move it. However, you don't get a takeback if that thing happens. So, it makes sense for people to disable takebacks, and also its their choice if they want to disable takebacks or not.
Touch-move rule does not apply if you touch a piece accidentaly! At least by FIDE rules.

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