
Open Letter to our Lichess Community:

Like many of us, I feel saddened by the senseless wars in this world. Many ordinary people die and suffer needlessly every day because of it.

We are all fellow human beings living together on this fragile planet, alone in this vast Universe. We all have the same dreams of love and happiness in our short lives here on Earth - or, as someone told me once: "...a brief moment in the light..."

Why do we do that to ourselves and what can we do about it?

We all created a wonderful community here, thanks to Lichess founders, tireless organisers, volunteers and Lichess patrons. Our peaceful spirit shines through every day...

In this spirit, I believe we should all together hold a World Peace Championship to strengthen our bond as a community and to show solidarity with our fellow human beings.

Please let me know what you think about it.

Best wishes to all!

~ your Black Swan
There’s still some physicists that believe in chaos theory.
So you could say that everything has an effect. Even terrible things could come with long-term overall beneficial effects.

A very extreme example: if Putin starts WW3 he will fail hard against NATO states and if he’s the crazed maniac he depicts himself as currently, the nuclear winter will fix global warming.

So long and thanks for all the fish!
Wold peace championships looks good, I would take any excuse for more of that sweet sweet chess anyway!

How about a classical tournament for a change like a 5hours 20+10 classical tournament?
This is beyond naiv. The world is filled with psychopaths, sociopaths, wifebeaters, pedophiles and whatnot. There's religious people that will chop off your head if you don't believe in their god.

Just wrap your head around the fact that not everyone wants to hold hands and sing kumbaya. Cause thats just not right.
@master_of_DARKNESS Evil has and will always exists, for God's sakes the first murder was a fratricide!

Doesn't mean we can't play for peace, quite the opposite, we do it for us not for the psychopaths who can't comprehend it anyway.

Let's make love not war (hopefully a lot of it!).
This is a "matrix" (but not the one from Hollywood). The wars are decided behind the curtain in think tanks and whatever. A lot is staged. Ordinary people have no say.

This is what Goebbels allegedly wrote in the phony Nurmberg trials:
“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

Peace without freedom is pointless. I rather prefer war and death.
@mrbasso said in #8:
> This is what Goebbels allegedly wrote in the phony Nurmberg trials:


Goebbels was already dead by then. How could he write from a post war trial?
I think it is not that easy. I'm sure there are people who think they decide behind a curtain. This can be a small group of people (like parents do this to decide the future of their children), teachers in school, ...
some try do it in a good way what doesn't mean that it will work out good. Some try to be a dark group with power. But even they have fights, split up and get frustrated by what they try to do and what reality is making out of it.
Goebbels as far as I know (and I didn't really spend time with it) learned from other people and from them the word "Propaganda" was born. Goebbels is not the talented genius who knows how to controlo and minpulate people. He was maybe just a confused guy learning from more clever guys. He didn't invent that stuff. He collected and used it.

Freedom depends to a big part from your inner feelings. You can feel unfree even if your environment is giving you lot of freedom. Emptyness and Silence are good stages to train to feel more free. If you attach to everything and and even small changes stress you, you will have problems with feeling free.
The pepole behind the curtain. You think they're free? They die just like everyone. Maybe sometimes they have power.. but who cares. You need not much to be happy. Good friends are more powerful than billions of dollars. You can buy frineds but do you think that is the same? People who look for power mostly feel weak, unloved and have the need to get control. Relax and love yourself, other people and your enemies too.

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