
KotH Scheduling

Hmm, I'm still here, waiting for my opp to appear, or say something...
He asked me to forfeit him, because he not appeared two times :(
Round 4 Results:

Winners Bracket

@BlunderPandaZz vs @papapizza: Extension given
@RebelJohnny vs. @LudovicM59: 6-1
@VariantsOnly vs. @AnIndianChessplayer: 6-3
@LuukDeGrote vs. @blitzbullet : 6-2

Losers Bracket:

@Dharanish1320109 vs. @ThaiSeagull: Forfeit
@agg144 vs. @e3Gewinnt: 15-13
@gbtami vs. @manyamis_manyak: Withdraw
@Drunken_Drongo vs. @Mate_on_f7: Withdraw
@diegodpchess01 vs. @jean_val_jean: Forfeit
@Ksipil vs. @Tsilboy: 6-5-1.5
@SandiSladoledar vs. @Aryan_Rahimpour_2004: 7-5
@ckassios4 vs. @TheForkPower: 7-5

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