
Getting Multiple Queens

Does it count as tormenting my opponent if I am already beating them and can checkmate them in a few moves, but instead I want to turn all of my pawns into queens and then checkmate them just for the heck of it?
Jesus, where have you guys’ mind wondered off to?

@Vanspodin it’s just trolling. Everyone trolls their opponents sometimes. Don’t worry about it
That's sort of unethical. It's like trolling your player for no reason. You cannot do anything more than win so what's purpose of multiple Queens.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #5:
> That's sort of unethical. It's like trolling your player for no reason. You cannot do anything more than win so what's purpose of multiple Queens.

He's entitled to play how he likes. Opponent can resign at any time if he doesn't want to be a part of it.
Getting 2 queens to just checkmate them faster and more reliable is fine. But getting 3-4 queens is starting to get silly. However I would just resign at that point so I guess it doesnt matter.
@ChefBob said in #7:
> Getting 2 queens to just checkmate them faster and more reliable is fine. But getting 3-4 queens is starting to get silly. However I would just resign at that point so I guess it doesnt matter.
Would you still resign if opponent had 2 sec and you 20 sec with no increment?
With 2 seconds left, no. But why would you be wasting time getting 4 queens with 2 seconds left?
@ChefBob said in #9:
> With 2 seconds left, no. But why would you be wasting time getting 4 queens with 2 seconds left?
I am not wasting time, but some other guys are!
Also, once my opponent was low on time but promoting Queens for fun and it didn't capture my only piece (pawn) left and it timed out. I won that! Lol!

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