
Getting Multiple Queens

@Akbar2thegreat said in #5:
> That's sort of unethical. It's like trolling your player for no reason. You cannot do anything more than win so what's purpose of multiple Queens.

Like I said, just for the heck of it
@TeenageDimwit said in #2:
> Who wouldn’t enjoy being mated by multiple queens? ;-)

I guess only promiscuous or unfaithful kings would welcome such company
At your and my level: Try it a couple of times in Blitz, and you will be tormented yourself by ending the game in a stalemate (;.
@Vanspodin said in #1:
> Does it count as tormenting my opponent if I am already beating them and can checkmate them in a few moves, but instead I want to turn all of my pawns into queens and then checkmate them just for the heck of it?

Wouldn't recommend it for your current strength. If you do decide to do so, hope for a win and prepare for a draw
@Panagrellus said in #16:
> At your and my level: Try it a couple of times in Blitz, and you will be tormented yourself by ending the game in a stalemate (;.

Yeah, but obviously I didn’t mean it for Blitz
@JamariTheGreat said in #17:
> Wouldn't recommend it for your current strength. If you do decide to do so, hope for a win and prepare for a draw

Sometimes I start creating a bunch of knights, or something useless like a 3rd light squared bishop. Usually people resign long before this though. Party poopers...

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