
Feature Request: Persistent Human Analysis

I find it wonderful that we can now go back to a game we played and try different variations ("what would have happened if...?"), but I would like to keep these analysis somewhere to study them later on.
My first suggestion is to implement it at a browser level (, this has 2 benefits that I can see:
1- Server resources are not consumed.
2- Analysis can be shared among users.

If sharing the analysis is not desired it can be implemented in a different way ( that is less portable.

Thanks for your time
Not sure what it is you're wanting to do exactly... analysis (i.e. comments, variations) is already maintained in the PGN file you have the option of exporting to.
Thanks for your interest claymore, I had to go back and give it another try to double check but here is what I did:
1. I went to an old game I played (
2. Went to move 7 and tried a variation
3. Clicked on "FEN & PGN"
4. Clicked on "Download Annotated"
5. Saved the file
6. Opened it with Arena

And it did not have the variation I tried.
Also, if I browse away and go back to the same game, it does not remember my analysis.
In Chessmaster every move you made would automatically be saved whether you played vs yourself or a computer that is an awesome feature for analyzing. Because you could go back and create as many variations as you like and by clicking on the move there was a drop down where you could select the variation. One of the reasons Chessmaster is my favorite chess program.

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