
Unofficial Lichess Puzzle Storm Top 200 List

Update 2021-02-26

Yes, @ElijahCharles, sp1cycaterpillar is now rank 2. Also, Heisenberg has entered the honorable 100+ score list, which now has 18 members.


Turns out that yesterday's new leader is a player who violated the Lichess Terms of Service (ToS). Until today, I accidentally wrongly handled the data which the Lichess API returns for these accounts.

This is now fixed, ToS violating accounts will not be in the list anymore. Four have been kicked from today's list. The remaining players have risen up a bit and three ex list members have re-entered the list.

I can not fix previous versions of the list in the Gist. They contain some ToS violations. I will fix this, should I transform this Gist to a repository one day. My apology goes to the previous should-have-been-members of the list who were driven away by such ToS violations.
Update 2021-03-02

neslraCsungaM77 is coming close to 100+. Minimum score in the list is 81 for the first time. The list is getting more and more condensed.
Update 2021-03-07

Zubrrr has joined the honorable 100+ List. Now 19 members.
Update 2021-03-10

We have two new members in the honorable 100+ score list, IMaDale with 105 points, and ABachmann with 113 points (Rank 3!). Now 21 players in this list.


@Diego-Alexander we talked already in the chat, ok?
Update 2021-03-12

For the first time the lowest score in the list is 82, the average puzzle runs are close to 100. @Cedur216, RetiLangweiler is still in the list, but he will probably fall out of the list tomorrow. Tell him to hunt new records.

Let us also celebrate FeegLood a bit, who for a few weeks now is the undisputed list leader. Though Ray and Alex have come close.

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