
Network errors Chrome Win7

After much investigation, I found the issue: iptables rules were not restored from config after the server crashed and rebooted.

It should be all good from now.
PERFECT! Now enjoy your holiday, Thibault! You've earned it.
I am still getting the error, yesterday I lost the game just because of it. :(
This just happened to me.
Lost a game that I was winning, AND it cost me 15-points on top of it.
Not able to join games at all, constant "Network Error Recontecting"

[lobby 0yz1ezo0ch1fko6r] connection attempt to ws://
big.js?v=529:10 [lobby 0yz1ezo0ch1fko6r] connected to ws://
big.js?v=529:5 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: A server must not mask any frames that it sends to the client.
big.js?v=529:10 [lobby 0yz1ezo0ch1fko6r] error: {"path":{"length":0},"cancelBubble":false,"returnValue":true,"srcElement":{"binaryType":"blob","protocol":"","extensions":"","bufferedAmount":0,"readyState":3,"url":"ws://","URL":"ws://"},"defaultPrevented":false,"timeStamp":1427917888889,"cancelable":false,"bubbles":false,"eventPhase":2,"currentTarget":{"binaryType":"blob","protocol":"","extensions":"","bufferedAmount":0,"readyState":3,"url":"ws://","URL":"ws://"},"target":{"binaryType":"blob","protocol":"","extensions":"","bufferedAmount":0,"readyState":3,"url":"ws://","URL":"ws://"},"type":"error"}
big.js?v=529:10 [lobby 0yz1ezo0ch1fko6r] Will autoreconnect in 1000
big.js?v=529:10 [lobby 0yz1ezo0ch1fko6r] send {"t":"following_onlines","d":{}}
big.js?v=529:7 WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state.
big.js?v=529:10 [lobby 0yz1ezo0ch1fko6r] Disconnect
I'm also using Chrome Win 7 and I can't access my games. When I click on them the board shows up completely empty. On other browsers such as Firefox and Opera the whole thing is worse - I can only get a textual view of the site. Also on Chrome some features are not properly formatted. For example this edig box is much smaller than it used to be. This whole thing started yesterday evening.

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