
Chess inspired kickstarter

No offence @thibault but I think that it had to be really funny game in my opinion because you are lightweight,
Was it a metaphysical experience for you?
Naturally,I agree with you in #6,it would be impossible in online game
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the person taking the piece take the shot? That would even out the playing field, the person ahead would be the one drunk.
Stale-mate is how the room smells next morning.
The story goes that Emanuel Lasker and Geza Maroczy played a game of chess where each piece was represented by its value in alcohol. The rules were simple: If you capture a piece, you have to drink it. So Lasker let Maroczy capture all his big pieces and then waited for him to pass out, and thereby won the match. Kinda famous story, and old. This chess variant has been around for a loong time.
Well @thibault expanding on how you added voice chat to the chess game, if there were videochat during the game, then people could see each other drinking and getting drunk. Of course people could cheat and drink non-alcoholic drinks but you would also have to act drunk.
@thibault Drunk Chess (in the Kickstarter version) is for two guys in the same room or who know each other. There's no matching over the internet where there's no reason to not lie about it. It's an old game yes and about time its made into a web app
@OnlyStupidNamesLeft Drunk Chess gives you drunk stats (when your moves go sour, how many games can you play drunk, etc) about your game, there's no no-alcohol clutter but a very defined focus on alcohol. There's menu options to customize your game to make it easier in real-life. It's about Drunk chess
The rematch button will require you to insert your car keys to press.

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