
You have lost a couple games after a few moves... - I can't agree

Message says:
You have lost a couple games after a few moves. Please note that you MUST try to win every rated game.
Losing rated games on purpose is called "sandbagging", and is not allowed on Lichess.

1. Chess is not about trying to win every game. Even in games of Grandmasters you see them looking for an early draw.
2. I'm a human. If I want to loose, I should be allowed to loose.
3. If this affects top players (they're just a few percent of all players).
4. In boxing or other combative sports there are weight classes. If your lichess rating is over 2000 there is no tournament that protects you from playing against 2400 players.
1) It says "you have lost", not "you have drawn" games after a few moves, so draws aren't very relevant here.
2) Well clearly not on Lichess, since you have agreed to comply with its tos where it clearly specifies losing on purpose is a bannable offense.
3) I think you forgot the second part of the sentence here.
4) Here I fail to find the relevancy once again. Are you saying that you intentionally resign on move one or very early against much stronger opponents? Because if so go back to point 2.
Hi Deadban, thx for writting.
1. You're right it says "you have lost" but it says on the other way "note that you MUST try to win every rated game"
2. You're right. Lichess has rules. But rules should be to help people. In these days in this world iti s hard to understand but actually police and poiticians, insurance comapny.. they work more for you than the other way.
3. I didn't get it.
4. Have you ever tried to play 40 or 50 Blitz games in a row against Stockfish on highest level? If yes I will not believe you that it didn't affect you and your joy for the game.

lichess could be space a to rethink rules..
otherwise I would say I do not agree to the rules and stop playing chess.

Your answers helpoed me to understand that I really want daily lichess tournaments which are:
only for players under 2200
only for players under 2400
only for players under 2600

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