
Search "user:Akarsh_2010"

1569 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I need some help OTB chess psychology.#1

TL;DR I have been throwing crushing positions against higher rated players about 50-75% of the time then tilting in the following game(s). Well its been about 2-3 weeks since my last OTB tournaments, …

General Chess Discussion - getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually#50

@filthiesteote You have been saying things about players about 300-400+ points above your rating by which you are essentially (or straight up ) saying you are better than them. They include "you cant …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Shorts.#6

@FreedBeast219 said in #1: > Why not add shorts like youtube shorts rather than a video it will be a mini blog. People could scroll through and learn something from the mini blogs. I know a weird idea…

Lichess Feedback - small "highest rating" bug.#3

UPDATE - This bug also caused my new ( display ) highest rating ( 2217 ) to be achieved by a loss. ( 4-point loss from losing to 2374 )

Lichess Feedback - small "highest rating" bug.#1

as of today ( 29th April, 1130 UTC ) my highest ever rating is 2221 ( my current rating ) ,but when looking at my profile it displays 2215 as my highest rating. I believe this bug was caused due to th…

General Chess Discussion - Time limit to make a move#10

@Ixxom said in #1: > For those players that let the game running without resign, I suggest that lichess can make a time limit for each move, like 3-5 minutes, if a player lets the game running, after …

General Chess Discussion - Best openings to hit 2000-2200?#14

@BMAlien said in #13: > if 2250 is free... why aren't you 2250+ yet? Because I still blunder pieces

General Chess Discussion - Rating Correlation#2

@naughtystank said in #1: > Hi I was wondering about the general trend of rating correlation on compared to Fide/USCF ratings. > I know that the general trend is from what I've heard is th…

General Chess Discussion - Is Chess a sport?#8

@Brian-E said in #5: > I think it is a sport because it involves competition. > > Also, those who protest that it doesn't involve physical exertion have probably never played a gruelling four-hour gam…
