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32 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Live Engine Analysis#10

@Fireworks Agreed. I would need to coordinate with the site developers. My sense is that the existing computer analysis function already puts the servers under significant load and that there wouldn't…

Game analysis - Live Engine Analysis#7

@FireBreathingDragon Thanks. Very much appreciate the support. @Unihedron Haha, it does not. We're on v1.0 now. I'll put it on the roadmap for v9.0 ;)

Game analysis - Live Engine Analysis#3

Fair enough. I just thought it might be of interest to folks in the game analysis forums as well.

Game analysis - Live Engine Analysis#1

Hi all. I love this site and wanted to give something back. I really like the computer analysis feature on this site, but at times the lines given don't make sense to me because I'm missing some refut…

Lichess Feedback - Live Engine Analysis#7

@Phyisis I absolutely agree with all of your points and consider the following as "to do"s when I have time: 1) Recognize when an analysis board has been loaded automatically to start the extension (I…

Lichess Feedback - Live Engine Analysis#6

@Chess_Agent Glad you like it. As Phyisis said, the best way to do what your asking would be to just back up a move.

Lichess Feedback - Live Engine Analysis#5

@chesstosterone To be clear all the analysis is done on the server. All your computer does, through the Chrome extension, is send requests to the server to perform analysis.

Lichess Feedback - Feature Requests: Extra Time Warning sounds, and extra analysis after last move played#6

@Roll I find the extension handy and hope others do as well. What it does is fairly simple. It looks at the current position (as represented by the FEN below the board) and sends it to a server runnin…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Requests: Extra Time Warning sounds, and extra analysis after last move played#3

Not sure if you wanted the ability to move the pieces around and see how the evaluation changes, or were satisfied with the existing computer analysis feature. If the former, I have done the following…

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis#10

Not sure if you wanted the ability to move the pieces around and see how the evaluation changes, or were satisfied with the existing computer analysis feature. If the former, I have done the following…
