
Search "user:BusRider"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 15447#2

No, because after Rg4+ (discovered check from bishop on c6), white can simply block that check with f3, Re4. or even Bd5.

Off-Topic Discussion - Any Writers Present?#4

Other than code, I can't write anything decent.

General Chess Discussion - Good plays against Ruy Lopez#5

Thanks, I've beaten him twice today (although he went with Italian)! I'll do Steinitz next time I come to the Ruy Lopez!

General Chess Discussion - Good plays against Ruy Lopez#1

I play somebody at my school library almost every morning, and he almost always plays the Ruy Lopez routine (sometimes goes for Italian). Anybody have some fun interesting plays for black against the …

Lichess Feedback - App suggestions#1

I use the app sometimes, but it doesn't have some of the features that I want that the regular site has. Here are my suggestions: 1. Ability to check your accounts inbox. 2. Forums tab. I'd love to re…
