
Search "user:Chessmasterjoker"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - ahem... is this normal???#12

You broke a rule, the rule of decentcy. I vote for people cant behave reported and they will be blocked for life. There is no place here for obcene or rude kids.

Game analysis - I beat a player that has 1900+ points#8

Its hard to play to low rated players, because they know some traps very wel and they play very strange moves. So you need to concentrate real hard. But it is fun.

Game analysis - I beat a player that has 1900+ points#6

And there are many players that use computer to get the best move in some positions. I been beaten many times and get back rating points many times because they cheat. Its so sad.

Game analysis - I beat a player that has 1900+ points#4

And sometime high rated players ain't high rated players for real. They mod it somehow or they get rating points by playing a friend and they agree to win all the time to get more rating points. They …
