
Search "user:Dantes-Edmond"

172 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - make me laugh#40

@Dantes-Edmond said in #38: > A fan of Dolly Parton was speaking with the singing star. "Dolly, your hair is gorgeous!" she said. Then she asked Dolly, "How long does it take them to do it?" Dolly rep…

Off-Topic Discussion - make me laugh#8

"Ne passe pas trop vite." Do not pass by too quickly. Marcel Proust, French philosopher and novelist. "It is better to travel hopefully than it is to arrive." Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish novelist…

Off-Topic Discussion - - Songs About Planes Trains and Automobiles -#43

@Tenakel . Enjoyed your posts. Along with Love Train we have The Theme Music to Soul Train. In addition I added two other train songs that the beat of the songs mimics the sound of trains. 1 Long Trai…

General Chess Discussion - Low elo resignation etiquette#31

If I am playing someone and they don't resign a totally lost game, it doesn't bother me. That is their right. I just play on and try to learn somethings about endgames etc. If I am losing I may play o…

Off-Topic Discussion - Tell me a joke#40

Not a funny joke in the whole lot So here are two more. 1. A chess player, a talking parrot, and a Rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender say, "What is this some kind of a joke?" 2. A bartender says, "I…

Lichess Feedback - Not showing the percentile in the rating perf tab#3

The flat score or rating becomes exactly meaningless without the percentile. My rating of 1625 would be equally as impactful if 16.25 or 162500 Sad.

Lichess Feedback - Shifted#1

When I go to "profiles" and look at "activity" (games played) charts are shifted to the left edge of he screen instead of being centered.

General Chess Discussion - why do stockfish think that gambits SUCK?#13

Engines are stupid when it comes to game theory. An engine prefers to lose more slowly rather than mix it up with an outre move--a Hail Mary pass.

Lichess Feedback - Simuls#1

I check for simuls many times a day. It's hard to catch one. Any tips on catching one?

Lichess Feedback - Simul#3

@Curieuil Thanks for your reply. Simul with GM Dynamikus. I was one of first three on the board.
