
Search "user:DerImmerGewinner"

21 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why don't cheater which got detected by lichess banned?#4

@MentalFugues nope this something forbidden is only the position with an engine on in another tab as you can read in sourcecode. Also you should look at the previous game that they played where they p…

Lichess Feedback - Why don't cheater which got detected by lichess banned?#1

I mean my opponent won a game in which he was blankly cheating and won easily. Then he played another game only to lose, becauose of cheating. But then nothing happened he simply played like nothing h…

Game analysis - Perfect game?#3

There were inacurate moves made and a perfect game would require both players to play perfect so 1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4# is also not a perfekt game of chess. How is white 1700 by the way he played like a …

General Chess Discussion - Single piece eval#1

Would it be possible to have an engine which is showing the eval for each piece?

General Chess Discussion - Engines but more understandable#1

Why are there no Engines that show piece evaluation? This would add so much to all of the different levels.

General Chess Discussion - Is she the first member of lichess after thibault ?#3

No I mean there are older accs like

Lichess Feedback - expanding the opening explorer#1

Would it be possible to not only be able to sort the opening explorer after rating and time control, but also after date when the game has played, this would be incredible usefull for sorting out new …

General Chess Discussion - Hikaru Lichess account#16

I mean come on read what allready been written...

General Chess Discussion - Hikaru Lichess account#13

Hikaru has a lichess account - don't ask the name - it's a secret. He doesn't play in lichess titled arena but thanks for asking. He will not commentate on lichess matches or play lichess or chess24 o…

General Chess Discussion - Hikaru Lichess account#11

Hikaru has a lichess account !lichess in hikarus stream don't spread fake news.
