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6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to analyze faster (provided I'm able to analyze when I take my time)#9

OK I've tried Puzzle Racer. I'm so bad lol.

General Chess Discussion - How to analyze faster (provided I'm able to analyze when I take my time)#8

Thanks @CSKA_Moscou, sounds coherent and relevant.

General Chess Discussion - How to analyze faster (provided I'm able to analyze when I take my time)#6

Thanks emaN-drawkcaB. @Ben10Tenyson: I can describe you approximately. I think of one or more certain plans for me and my opponent, I confront them with scenarios on several moves to see what it gives…

General Chess Discussion - How to analyze faster (provided I'm able to analyze when I take my time)#3

OK thanks, even if I don't really agree for the normality: I've seen such a gap in none of the profiles I've looked at (typically my opponents). I do puzzles but don't rush them. I'll try. Unfortunate…

General Chess Discussion - How to analyze faster (provided I'm able to analyze when I take my time)#1

Hello people My Lichess rating for correspondence games (2300) is a lot higher than the ones for blitz (1780) and rapid (1910). I'm able to analyze, but it takes me a lot of time. So much time that th…

General Chess Discussion - 50% of correspondance games timed out!#2

I think it's just bad luck and it should happen less and less as your rating increases (you can already see this from your games). It happened to me 3 games out of 22 (for one of them I was the faulty…
