
Search "user:Malis59"

29 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - is it true, that by studying endgames; you will progress farther than studying openings and midgames#3

A balanced approach is much more helpful. Its easy to get into the “opening variations circus” I did. But over time I’ve learned basic opening theory is a much better approach. Tactics and basic endga…

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Lichess Feedback - Safari update and lichess problem#3

yes, wont load

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General Chess Discussion - Change initial move number is study.#1

How do I change the initial move number in a new endgame study? Thanks Tim

Lichess Feedback - Opening Explorer Highlight Reparatory Moves#1

Is there a function to highlight moves in your personal repetoire as you are going through the opening explorer? Be a nice function for going through games. Thanks

General Chess Discussion - Millenium King Performance#4

Is there a forum for Millennium users? Would be a great place to get games and ask questions.

Game analysis - How do I add favorite studies?#1

How do I add favorite studies?

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