
Search "user:ReDD5"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Не подтверждают значок стримера#6

And why is your application rejected? What should I do to get the application accepted, that is, I can't get the streamer icon?

Lichess Feedback - Не подтверждают значок стримера#1

Очень долго жду чтобы подтвердили значок стримера, как будто мне вообще не хотят подтверждать, жду уже больше двух месяцев, что мне сделать, чтобы мне дали значок? Вроде я все верно указал, везде ключ…

General Chess Discussion - Do not give the streamer icon#3 How do I write to them? Write to them by email or what data or parameters to choose when contacting them ? There are also certain parameters when applying?

General Chess Discussion - Do not give the streamer icon#1

Good time of day! I have been waiting for a very long time to be given a streamer icon, when I try to request a request, after what time this request seems to disappear and asks again to request a mod…

Lichess Feedback - Do not give the streamer icon#1

Good time of day! I have been waiting for a very long time to be given a streamer icon, when I try to request a request, after what time this request seems to disappear and asks again to request a mod…