
Search "user:TheFroo"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Asynchronous Swiss Tournaments#4

@TBest said in #2: > And if the game is not completed? Since, you will have games not completed online. This is really a key question, that I don't think has a good answer. Good point. But whatever th…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Asynchronous Swiss Tournaments#1

It would be great to be able to schedule tournaments so that the rounds are synchronous, but the games themselves are not. For example: Round 1 would begin Sunday at 7:00 PM and all 1st round games co…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request - Guess The Move#1

There is a popular feature on other sites (chesstempo, chessgames, maybe others) that allows a user to play through a master level chess game and try to guess the next move. Most of these sites will a…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzlers on the Storm#370

I just completed a puzzle storm and realized that I had the black side FOR ALL 36 PUZZLES I was given. What gives? (Thanks, lichess, as always, for the best chess site.)

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Recurring Tournaments#1

I run both a local chess club in my town and chess club for the high school I work in. Each week, I create a few tournaments with exactly the same name, settings, etc. It would be great to have a feat…

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Lichess Feedback - When observing a Simul#2

I have the same exact question. I haven't been able to figure this out. Anyone out there have any thoughts? Thanks!

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General Chess Discussion - the friends sidebar disappeared#6

This feature has been temporarily disabled . There has been a major uptick in the number of players simultaneously online and the friends box was slowing the servers down.

Lichess Feedback - Daily/correspondence tournaments#5

I'm playing in a couple of tournaments and they're more fun than I expected. This would be a wonderful addition to lichess. The 24 hour time control works well for me. ;)
