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10 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - A Kool Event For 🌺ladies🌺 Chess Players Only ! #26

I think what @samiov suggested is a great idea, I would love to participate but the time control is pretty long. 10+0 seems like it may be a better choice because if there are not very many participan…

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Off-Topic Discussion - Don't watch this if you value your soul.#6

Not the video I wanted, but the video I needed. The acting was spectacular, and I always knew when to be scared because someone would say it's scary. 10/10 stars, film of the year.

General Chess Discussion - Percentage of women on lichess.#14

@pawngrinder To be fair he did say he was just curious, while it could be possible he was looking to use lichess as tinder 2.0 chess edition, it wasn't really implied. I'm sure that there are people w…

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