
Search "user:jwing"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Is the penalty for failing to start a game actually being enforced?#1

I've noticed that while playing bullet, often losing players request a rematch and then seem to leave the game and let their move timer run out. The chat shows a "warning" that failing to start games …

Lichess Feedback - Penalty for letting clock run#6

Another vote for more severe penalties for letting time run out in losing postions. 3 strikes -> ban? Also, does anyone even know what the penalty is right now? Whatever it is, there are still lots of…

Lichess Feedback - People that timeout instead of resigning#3

I agree with the OP about penalizing people more strictly for leaving and timing out intentionally. Draining time substantially and then making another move is legal and shouldn't be penalized. Leavin…
