
Search "user:rinf"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Why did this game end in a draw?#3

Oh my, I am such an idiot. Thank you!

Lichess Feedback - Why did this game end in a draw?#1 Nobody ran out of time, there is no stalemate. And why does stockfish also think it's 0.0 on the final move?

General Chess Discussion - What do you think of this puzzle's rating?#12

At 1700-1800 rating, I spent 110 seconds and I got it wrong. I just didn't consider the correct move, literally didn't even see it! I feel dumb.

General Chess Discussion - Why is there such a big difference in my ratings for each game speed?#1

Check my profile and you can see a 500 rating difference. Do people just not try very hard in correspondence games? I'll usually use the analysis board to look ahead before I move, and spend up to 10 …

Lichess Feedback - Change sound settings to server side#1

Currently sound is stored on the browser cookie. When I log into a new session the sound setting is reset to muted, and I have to change it every time. Could this be stored as a profile setting, rathe…
