
Search "user:tamagen"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How enable autopromote in android app?#4

Thanks shuvashish and phoenix. It's a pity the anonymous mode does not permit this setting (I actually want autopromote if anonymous - where I play 99% of my bullet games - and to avoid autopromotion …

Lichess Feedback - How enable autopromote in android app?#1

I can't find the option to auto promote pawns to a queen anywhere in the android app. Am playing bullet in anonymous mode. Running v 7.5.0. Any idea where the option is set?

Lichess Feedback - Swap position of board and clock/move history display#3

I’m using the lichess app for iOS on an iPad.

Lichess Feedback - Swap position of board and clock/move history display#1

As a right handed player, playing bullet on an iPad in landscape mode, I keep accidentally hitting buttons like flip board or chat during time scrambles when trying to move my hand away from the board…

Lichess Feedback - Numerous issues with new mobile UI#1

On Android, the latest version of the app has several UI problems. Some are objective problems, while some are perhaps personal/subjective opinions: 1. It now takes 3 clicks to start a new game. What …

Lichess Feedback - Castling bug in Mobile App (Android, unsure about others)#10

Hi Thibault - it looks like you have added this as a preference now. Thank you!!

Lichess Feedback - Castling bug in Mobile App (Android, unsure about others)#9

It seems I am not alone and plenty more people have raised this as an issue over the past year:…

Lichess Feedback - Castling bug in Mobile App (Android, unsure about others)#8

As I said in my second message, in real life, you don't drop a king on the rook. In real life, playing over the board (OTB), you need to put the king on its correct square to castle, not put it on top…

Lichess Feedback - Castling bug in Mobile App (Android, unsure about others)#6

No, thibault - this happens if you click OR if you drag. If you drag the king onto the rook, it also castles. It's a bug specifically to do with castling, not to do with either clicking or dragging. P…

Lichess Feedback - Castling bug in Mobile App (Android, unsure about others)#4

Thanks for the suggestion, thibault, but this behaviour is unfortunately not one of the configurable preferences.
