
Temáticos Flat

2 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Alekhine defense - Four pawns attack
  2. Benko (Volga) Gambit.
  1. IndioEstudioso

Siciliana básica

3 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Dragão, ataque Iugoslavo
  2. Dragão, variante clássica
  3. Dragão, Ataque Levenfish
  4. Dragão, g2-g3
  1. IndioEstudioso

Partidas com precisão >99%.

1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Partida 1
  2. Partida 2
  3. Partida 3
  4. Partida 4
  1. IndioEstudioso

Capablanca's best chess endings

1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Game 1, 1901
  2. Game 2, 1901
  3. Game 3, 1909
  4. Game 4, 1909
  1. IndioEstudioso

Partidas com algum lance Brilhante -

1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Partida 1
  2. Partida 2
  3. Partida 3
  1. IndioEstudioso

Endgame Strategy, continuation.

1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Positions with an isolated d-pawn 1
  2. Positions with an isolated d-pawn 2
  3. Positions with an isolated d-pawn 3
  4. Positions with an isolated d-pawn 4
  1. IndioEstudioso


1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Rare 3rd moves, f5
  2. Rare 3rd moves, Cd4
  3. Rare 3rd moves, h6
  4. Rare 3rd moves, g6
  1. IndioEstudioso

Anish Giri teaches the French Defense

1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Indian atack.
  2. 2. Nc3
  3. 2 b3.
  1. IndioEstudioso

Partidas selecionadas de V. V. Smyslov

3 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Partida 1
  2. Partida 3
  3. Partida 4
  4. Partida 7
  1. IndioEstudioso

Endgame Strategy

1 • IndioEstudioso •
  1. Basic principals of endgame play
  2. Centralization of the king 1
  1. IndioEstudioso
  2. dylon