
The 2.g5 refutation

8 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Taking with the bishop is mate right away
  2. What if black takes with the queen on d7?
  3. What if black takes with the knight on d7?
  4. What if black takes with the knight on d7 but white wins this time?
  1. MiladLouak0

Aren't 4 knights a nightmare?

8 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. c4 refutation
  2. Nc3 refutation
  3. e4 refutation
  4. b3 refutation
  1. MiladLouak0

Hide in the corner knight hide!!

7 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. A trap in 1.g3 Nh6 line
  2. What if white played 2.e3 the stockfish move?
  3. Another trap in the 1.Nh6 line
  1. MiladLouak0

Bishop! Where are you?

11 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Taking with the queen is bad
  2. What if we take the d7 pawn with the king?
  3. What if the bishop takes the bishop right away if the king takes on d7?
  4. What if the bishop takes a bit later?
  1. MiladLouak0

Before you

8 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Refutation of 1.b4
  2. What if white plays more accurately?
  3. Bonus chapter about 1.g4 trap
  1. MiladLouak0

Wild boar? No problem!

10 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Main Line
  2. What if black does not pay attention to the b7 pawn
  3. Alternate line
  4. What if white does not play Nf3 but rather the tolius solution?
  1. MiladLouak0

Attack from the corner

29 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. The noobie trap
  2. Developing the bishop instead
  3. Another trap
  4. A normal play
  1. MiladLouak0

When you misclick the Polish

7 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Introductional Chapter
  2. What to reply after 2.e4
  3. A more advanced game
  4. An extremely perfect game
  1. MiladLouak0

Weird? huh

10 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Refutation of 1.h4
  2. Refutation of 1.h3
  3. Refutation of 1.h3 in another line
  4. Refutation of 1.f4
  1. MiladLouak0

Be a Liardet expert!

9 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. The noobie trap
  2. Main line
  3. Other main line
  4. The Nb4 trap in Liardet
  1. MiladLouak0

How to Counter the 1.a4 opening

12 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Line 1
  2. Line 2
  3. Line 3
  4. Line 4
  1. MiladLouak0

Be bad sometimes

23 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. A trap in the 2.Bd3 opening
  2. A trap in the b5 opening
  3. A particular line in the suicide opening
  4. A certain player's trap in the 2.Bd3 line
  1. MiladLouak0

Think out of the box!

15 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Beating the Sjaak attack part 1
  2. Beating the Sjaak attack part 2
  3. Stopping the queen race at the right moment
  4. Punish blunders by playing theory
  1. neverplayfastanti
  2. MiladLouak0

Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” Carl Sagan Author

16 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Knight vs King exception 1
  2. Knight vs King exception 2
  3. King and pawn vs N exception
  4. 2 kings vs king exception
  1. neverplayfastanti
  2. MiladLouak0

Master the Open Defense!

17 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Modest Opening
  2. Wing Opening
  3. Wizard Hybrid
  4. Double pawn defense
  1. neverplayfastanti
  2. MiladLouak0

Be a Polish expert!

22 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. Drawing Nasty Line
  2. Bosman Defense
  3. Taelman Attack and Snuverink Defense
  4. Standard Defense
  1. neverplayfastanti
  2. MiladLouak0