
Rating increase tips 1500+

Hi, in the past month I've improved my rating from 1350 to 1500 by learning some chess tactics and improving my game.

My question is, what should a 1500 player focus on now to keep pushing higher? Openings?
Common tactical themes and endgames are likely to be the most beneficial. A study of pawn structures in the openings you play are helpful too. I would not spend much time on opening lines, just the ideas and plans.
@myocarditis said in #1:
> Hi, in the past month I've improved my rating from 1350 to 1500 by learning some chess tactics and improving my game.
> My question is, what should a 1500 player focus on now to keep pushing higher? Openings?
You are already 1527 in classical! Your rapid rating is so close. Mine is much lower than my classic. Although I'd rather keep it this way than drop in classic :)
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I would advice setting small, achievable goals.

What would you like to focus on now?
Study games of capablanca and fischer =instant 1800+ or atleast thats how it worked for me

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