

The one time I try to join social media, they decide to kick me out because I started talking to too many people. WTH!?!?!? All I wanted to do was buy stuff on the marketplace and they kicked me out for it. So I have to be antisocial on social media? What a stupid joke.
@Walrulete said in #1:
> The one time I try to join social media, they decide to kick me out because I started talking to too many people. WTH!?!?!? All I wanted to do was buy stuff on the marketplace and they kicked me out for it. So I have to be antisocial on social media? What a stupid joke.
Join YouTube or Instagram or Discord , they won't kick u for talking too much
fb even does not aloud VPN or Tor Onion, so you make an account and that ip is immediately closed. There are alternatives and more secure and no opinion shadow ban etc. It is even dangerous to use it to be real.