
What are your fishing secrets?

Flyfish,lure fish, bait fish whatever.

Trout I like the surface when flyfishing,lures I like mostly spoons and blue fox spinners,bait fishing,well I've caught some decent catfish with raw shrimp ( leave the shrimp in the sun,the stinkier the better ).

So what works for you?
I like to go to my local grocery store and buy fish ;)
For convenience purposes I disguise myself as a Gnome and fish in next doors pond, not very observant my neighbours. :).
I use wet flies or Mepps size 1 or 0 spinners. Used Veltic spinners. I removed the triple hook or cut off two of the hooks. I add a snack which is both for me and the fish ... the salad shrimp as bait.
I grab fish from the ocean with my hands and eat them raw
I sometimes use a trout rig and powerbait.
I've found that #18 treble hooks work quite well as the smaller hooks use less bait and are more likely to be taken eliminating false strikes when the fish are just nibbling at the bait. Salmon Peach seems to be the most effective and usually sells out pretty quickly.

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