
[GAMES] Post your best games here!

another 2 with 000,
the second one lost on time pressure
there are weak opponents but the second one is interesting.
they were my last two games
I will try to play long time control soon
and see if I can make a good game without too many blunders against strong opposition,
like a 45 45 game
I just want to have a little base on opening so I can focus on middlegame and endgame.
I would like to be an endgame player, a grinder
I only enjoy the positional aspect of chess, dont enjoy tactics so I play kings gambit
to get used to them.

had a very short game in a well-known variation of the four knight's game. after 8 nd3? bg4 followed by 9 ... nf3+!, white is alreasy lost.

first time i actually had the opportunity to play that variation though.

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