
A Kool Event For 🌺ladies🌺 Chess Players Only !

@Puredication who said guys can't be cheerleaders too ! lol so yea of course you can, you are welcome to chat and or watch, no reason not to do so , im sure the ladies will appreciate our support cheering for them in the chat and watching their games ^^
@sharkema The reason for classical time format is that it allows the ladies to interact, meet and get to know each others in a sense of empowerment movement that encourages chess among them across lichess community , which is the main idea and concept behind this event. ^^
@Kanaan92 no im not a girl lol lichess sign you up automatically when creating a tourney , i will withdraw of course when the event starts . my presence is just as a host welcoming the guest . of course tho i won't be playing :)

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