
Any Online Chess League for classical lovers?

Hey friends,
I was wondering if there is any free online chess leagues for classical chess lovers like me
@MrVineeth , even i love playing classical ,i haven't found any such tournaments and the ones present are either highly competitive or of beginners, i prefer finding a partner of the same level and practicing.

run 45/45 and 30/30 league where each game is agreed upon separately. Take into account that this is international site so most likely you end playing some on vastly different time zone quite often.

Obvisoysly season take some time to complete = you may have to wait some tíme to get in. The 30/30 league just might be accepting registration now.
Thanks @petri999 . I have registered for the lonewolf competition. The first round has finished. So I am not sure whether I'll get to play or not. I applied 8-9 hours ago but I haven't received any updates yet. I am an avid classical chess lover and was excited when I learned about this website as there aren't many OTB tournaments in my area.
hey, i sent a request to lonewolf a week ago and got only an automatic reply that it is pending moderator approval. the next round started and no one wrote me back. If for some reason they don't want me there, it would be nice if they let me know. is it normal to wait so long?

I filled out the registration form, I also wrote under the link to the contact you indicated. No response for a week. I've studied their rules, and I can't find anything that would disqualify me. I have played almost 600 classical games, I am of legal age and I do not cheat. Registration is still open. Thanks for the previous answer, best regards.
well maybe they no longer take registration for the season as 1st round in already on. And on anything based on voluntary work you cannot expect prompt answers allways.
You can join lonewolf during the season (and the main 4545 league during the season and play as an alternate- the most important players in the league!)

But it's run by volunteers, so be patient!
I have some free time in hand. I love organizing events. I have organized numerous Ted talks in my college. Would love to help the league in whatever way possible. If there is an opening to volunteer at the lichess4545, feel free to reach out to me!

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