
Any Online Chess League for classical lovers?

I recently received an email from Lichess4545 Lonewolf, informing me that I am not eligible to participate in their league under the current rules. This news is deeply disheartening, as I had been eagerly looking forward to joining the league. Coming from a small town, this league presented a unique opportunity for me to experience classical chess, especially since there are very few OTB tournaments in my area.

After thoroughly reviewing the league rules multiple times, I am unable to identify any reasons for my disqualification. I have an established rating and have never engaged in cheating. I kindly request assistance from someone who could provide clarity on this issue, as I believe there may have been a misunderstanding or mistake.
Not sure if publicly admitting that you are ineligible will help your case. But multiple alternative options have been pointed out to you, so maybe just try those.
I just dont understand why I am not eligible. I satisfy all the mentioned rules
Lichess4545 next season starts in 2-3 weeks. They are probably not reviewing applications right now.
@greysensei But then why would they say that "You are not eligible under current league rules"?. Why not just mention that they would only process applications in 2 weeks?
@MrVineeth said in #23:
> ... Coming from a small town, this league presented a unique opportunity for me to experience classical chess, especially since there are very few OTB tournaments in my area.

I wrote my previous message because your statement is simply not true. Many alternative options for you are mentioned in the messages above. Good luck.
But this was my first choice and I simply want a reason as to why I am rejected. Because I satisfy all the rules
Furthermore I have been nothing but respectful in this community. I am active in forum discussions and I am a Lichess Patron and will forever donate in whatever way possible.

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